
The probability that law enforcement officials will be held accountable for gross rights violations is very low. The reasons for this are discussed in this report. The report argues that there is no single reason for the current situation but rather that a myriad of factors, structural and functional, contribute to a greater or a lesser degree to the current situation.

This research report provides an overview of the necessary research to develop possible solutions for limiting the amount of time remand detainees spend in custody.

Lawyers for Human Rights have done extensive work in its various programmes during 2012, including the Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme, Strategic Litigation Unit, Land and Housing Programme and Environmental Rights Programme.

The Mbabane High Court in Swaziland has found prominent Swazi human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko and editor-in-chief of The Nation magazine, Bhekithemba Makhubu guilty of contempt of court.

Former president Thabo Mbeki final witness statement before the Arms Procurement Commission.

Notice of appeal in terms of Section 96(1) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development ACT 28 of 2002 against the decision to grant mining right to Platreef Resources (PTY) Ltd on the farms Macalaskop 243 KR and Turfspruit 241 KR situated in the magisterial district of Mokgalakwena.

The Handbook sets out guidance on interpretation and implementation of the provisions of the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

The 1954 Convention establishes the definition of a “stateless person” and sets out minimum standards for the treatment of stateless persons.